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About Us


Origins from almost a century ago...


The Beaches Community Centre, formerly known as Victoria Beach Community Centre has a history that dates back to the 1930’s. Originally known as the Legion Hall, this area was where most community functions took place. The Legion Hall was formed by the following members after they returned from the first World War: J. A. Jonsson, Harry Hampton, Frank Olson, J. Evoy, William Martin, W.H Caughy, J.G Anderson, J. Hampton, A. Franklin, Arthur Willcox, H. Jackson and B. A. Lowing. Upon arriving, these members started with their improvements to the Legion Hall: an expansion, new flooring, and building a skating rink. 

      The 50's 


In 1955, the Victoria Beach

Sports Club was established.

From there, many more projects

to improve and expand the club

were envisioned by the local

community members. Next on

the list was to upgrade the

hockey rink with a new heating

system and with the installation

of a canteen. Although hockey

was already established as a common, local sport with a hockey team already in place, curling didn’t come about until Reg Moir discussed the game with Alex Anderson. Hereafter, curling in Victoria Beach was born! Reg and Bert Trainor, the first president of the club, discussed an ice plan and where the curling rink would be built. The funds were lent from local community and club members, which allowed the success of the project. In 1959, the curling schedule commenced. Prizes were donated, members kept the rink in tip-top shape, other community members came to play, and fun was had while everyone came together to enjoy the gatherings that this rink allowed. 

 The 70's
In the 1970’s, the community decided to have the Legion Hall moved to the area of the curling rink to expand the sports centre. On May 29, 1976, there was a Grand Opening to celebrate this community-driven achievement. Surrounding areas, such as Albert Beach, Hillside Beach and Traverse Bay, worked to get the community centre to what it is known as today. 
​ In 1981, the club was officially titled the Alex Anderson Memorial Sports Club (AAMSC) and Legion Hall Inc. and was better known as the Victoria Beach Sports Club. The AAMSC permitted the non-profit charity status and respects the veterans who started it all. The centre remains an important part of the community. The newest facility is a “green” facility and was referred to as the Victoria Beach Community Centre. In place is an efficient geothermal cooling/heating system which freezes the curling ice and then uses the heat extracted to heat other areas of the building. This multi-use facility allows for many more activities such as fundraisers, socials, and many other special gatherings of the community.

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From the Board...

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Thank You for your interest in Beaches Community Centre. As we embark on a new path with a new name, we encourage you to get involved with the Centre by taking in an event or a program. From humble beginnings almost a century ago, Beaches Community Centre continues to grow and add important programming and infrastructure. Stay tuned for many exciting changes that will be taking place to enhance your Beaches experience. If you like what you see, become a member or volunteerCome, Grow With Us.

Our Constitution & By-Laws

Open this PDF to read Constitution

Open this PDF to read membership by-law

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