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Could I be a Beaches CC Board Member?


The Beaches CC has an opportunity for those looking to give back to the East Beaches community area in a meaningful way.

We are looking for a few good folks to become board members

Nominations open until 6pm Sun Apr 30, 2023

It may sound intimidating, BUT, here’s what a few of your fellow community members have to say about their experience of being on the board, what it takes and how they benefit:

What are some good qualities for a board member?

“Openness and willing to see and hear ideas. To believe somethings are bigger than ourselves. A good heart is the only prerequisite. -Randy Thomas

“Honesty, integrity, strong belief in community.”-Carol Bartmanovich

“A willing to listen and to learn about the organization, because there are many different aspects, programs and priorities. The time commitment is not huge. One has to prepare for the monthly meetings, taking the time to read the various materials that have to be reviewed, and sometimes digging a bit deeper to understand the issues.”- Bill Hurtig

“To be a good team player and to have vision.” -Gary Wingate

Why I've chosen to be on the BCC Board?

“I believe in taking an active role to serve our community. The history of community service is well documented by our local families. They did their part and now it’s the next generation’s turn to carry the torch of community service.”-Randy Thomas

“As a resident of any community I have lived in, I volunteer to give back and/or pay it forward.”-Carol Bartmanovich

I was interested in serving the community in a constructive way. I’m interested in several sports related projects, and being on the board has given me an opportunity to try to advance those projects.”-Bill Hurtig

“I have run several businesses in the East Beaches area, and feel it’s important to give back to the community. I see more families moving to the area with young children. I believe it’s important to provide a facility and environment where all walks of life are welcome.” -Gary Wingate

How do I benefit from being on the board?

“I love meeting new people and learning from them. I’ve gotten to know some great people and the community events are fun!” -Carol Bartmanovich

“I’ve become acquainted with a wonderful group of people that I didn’t really know before. Not only the other board members, but other people who contribute to the organization.”-Bill Hurtig

“I’m rediscovering skills that I developed in the workplace, but haven’t used since I retired. I feel that I am leveraging abilities that had sat dormant for some time.”

-Bill Hurtig

The people at Beaches CC are warm and welcoming,

and I think whoever joins in will find the same thing.”

-Bill Hurtig

Positions available:



One Director

One Director – one year term (currently vacant)

Nominations will only be accepted by email or in writing until

6pm Sunday, April 30, 2023

to one of the following Nominating Committee Members:

Tracey Patzer -

(No nominations will be accepted from the floor at the AGM)


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